Updated Blog!!

Hello followers!! I’ve been so blessed to be able to share our family’s journey living abroad in Barcelona with you all. I’ve also loved connecting with and learning about your personal experiences both as bloggers and travelers. I recently made the decision to graduate!! Not from university again (thank goodness!) but to a self hosted…

Advice to Future Expats…

It’s been fun writing for the blog week after week and documenting our experiences as an expat family. I hope to look back someday on this exciting chapter and remember the journey all over again. If living abroad has taught me one thing, it’s that living abroad isn’t so…uncommon! I used to think it was…

Fact or Fiction: Barca Truths Uncovered

It’s a modern world, everyone in Barcelona speaks English: FICTION It makes me chuckle when I look back on the advice we received from others after telling them we would move to Barcelona. For example, the language! Some said English would be dominant since after all, it’s the most widely spoken language in the world….

Happy Post Holidays!

Inhale. Annnnnnd exhale. Did anyone else breathe an enormous sigh of relief now that the holidays are, dare I say, OVER? Don’t get me wrong, its always bittersweet – I love the preparations and hate how fast it all ends! It’s a genuine mix of emotions that the most anticipated time of year with the…

Blending Holidays Part 2: Thanksgiving

I think it’s safe to say that after two years of tackling our favorite holiday here in Spain, Halloween, we’ve really got it figured out.  It’s clearly a day that’s being embraced all over the globe! But what in the world does an American expat do for Thanksgiving while living outside the states?!  The food, the…

If Ever I Feel Homesick

Fall is undoubtedly, without hesitation, my favorite time of year!  Crisp Autumn winds, smells of outdoor fire pits, crunchy leaves between your feet and a warm scarf wrapped around your once tanned shoulders.  It signifies routine, with kids back to school, and an anticipation in the air of holiday festivities to come. Most recently since…

Blending Traditions Part 1: Halloween

If you’ve ever met me personally, if we’re friends on social media – HELL, if you’ve ever strolled past our home in New Jersey during the month of October, you know ONE thing. We friekin’ LOVE Halloween!!! Not because I’m some thrill-seeker or horror junkie.  Actually, I’m frightened stiff of scary movies and spend more…

The Art of Parenting: European Style

Life abroad really does give you an entirely new perspective into the world – especially European life being more liberal in nature than American life – which at times can seem overrun with rules, red tape and regulation! When we made the decision to move to Barcelona with our young children, we dreamed about the…

The Truth About Three

On an afternoon in early November, my husband and I stood face to face slightly shivering from both nerves and from the autumn chill in the air. Friends and family joined us, but for that moment it seemed Tony and I were the only ones there.  Bright-eyed and giddy, a few less wrinkles back then…

One Year Later: Lessons from an Expat

“What row are we again, hun?” I asked my husband as we stepped onto the airport tarmac leading us towards a massive United Airlines Boeing 757.  “Uhh, I think Row 19…..seats A through E,” my husband responded and chuckled as he checked all five of our boarding passes.  We were in for a long nine-hour…